Schools Cycling SA would like to welcome all Schools back to the 2021 season and wishes everyone a year filled with good health, hope and happiness.
We trust that everyone has settled into the School academic year and found their new rhythm.
Many lessons were learnt during 2020 and one thing that we know for sure is that the only constant is change and at SCSA we are ready to adapt to circumstances as and when necessary.
This year will be no exception and we are relieved to say that negotiations with Spur Schools MTB League will conclude with a season announcement to follow next week.
A variety of educational programmes which add value to our Schools Cycling family will be rolled out during the year. We are looking forward to roll out our 1st Mental Strength Coaching Educational Programme at the end of March to all our affiliated Schools as it is so applicable during these trying times.
Training of School Coaches will kick off in April followed by Team Managers Training in May – so please make sure you follow us on our social media platforms and that you are part of your respective provincial communication groups for more information to follow later.
Registration and affiliation of Schools
Since the opening of Schools, registration and affiliation has been taking place. The cut off date is 15 March 2021.
If your School has not registered and affiliated yet, please visit our website to find your respective Chairperson or contact Linky Cilliers at
Training of Schools
As per government gazette issued by Department of Education on 12 February 2021(awaiting updated gazette after President’s announcement on 28 February 2021 announcing Lockdown Level 1) point 11…”subject to sub-direction (2) in compliance with social distancing, hygiene and safety measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID- 19, non contact sport training and matches, non-contact sport related activities…, may resume without any spectators”.
We are glad to see that Schools have started to train again and adhere to social distancing, hygiene and safety measures as per government gazette, as the safety of our learners and coaches must be a priority.
Please also see how lockdown impacts events and coaching-CSA
Virtual Racing Series
We have decided to postpone our Virtual racing series to later this year as Winter months lean more towards indoor training and will ensure that we address practicalities to facilitate School participation in this new cycling discipline.
We will work collectively with CSA in this regard, so watch this space.
SCSA is optimistic for 2021 and ask that you please keep safe, hopeful and keep on motivating our learners while returning to training.
As Helen Keller said: “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
Yours sincerely,
Annelize Ziehl-Owens
President Schools Cycling SA